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Просмотр запроса №938

Вопрос . По фоностилистике нужен материал по теме «Звукоподражание в «Песне о Гайавате» Лонгфелло (желательно на английском языке)
Ответ [2004-11-03 09:58:35] :
К сожалению, никаких сведений по Вашей теме в отечественных библиографических ресурсах обнаружить не удалось.
Предлагаем список литературы, выявленной по зарубежным базам данных:
1. Clinton D. A Long Way from Hiawatha: Contemporary Improvisations of American Tribal Histories // Mid-American Review. – 1985. – 5 (N 1). – P. 131-139.
2. Gall S. Beat-Offbeat Scansion and «Hiawatha» // EIDOS: The International Prosody Bulletin. – 1984. – 1 (N 3). – P. 25-26.
3. Holman C. H. The Hiawatha Meter in The Yemassee // Modern Language Notes. – 1952. – 67 (N 6). – P. 418-19.
4. McKay D. Metrical Phonology and English Verse // MIT Occasional Papers in Linguistics. – 1997. – N 13. – P. 1-171. – (Dept Linguistics Massachusetts Instit Technology, Cambridge).
This dissertation proposes a generative linguistic theory of rhythmic structure in English verse founded on principles of metrical phonology. In metrical phonology, metrical grids are built up by natural metrical rules on the basis of a phonological representation. These grids are then subject to various constraints, including important constraints on phonological phrasing. This theory is applied to poems by William Butler Yeats, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Algernon Swinburne, & William Shakespeare. It is demonstrated that the theory can account for a greater variety of verse rhythms in a natural way. Some of the verse rhythms have not previously been analyzed. The theory allows an analysis of Hopkins's verse in Sprung Rhythm which is more accurate than, & theoretically preferable to, earlier analyses in the tradition of generative metrics. Some hypotheses about the parameters of variation in English verse rhythm are also advanced & discussed. The Appendices show the poetic texts analyzed, with line-by-line scansions. 2 Figures, 5 Appendixes, 26 References. Adapted from the source document.
5. Pisani M. Longfellow, Robert Stoepel and and Early Musical Setting of Hiawatha (1859) // American Music. – 1998. – 16 (N 1). – P. 45-85.
6. Тhe Song of Hiawatha / Introd. by D. Aaron. – London; Rutland: M. Dent & Sons, Charles E, VT. –1992. – (Everyman's Library).
7. Zuchowski R. Selected Aspects of Phonostatistics in American Poetry // Studia Anglica Posnaniensia. – Poznan, 1999. – N 34. – P. 291-305.
В сети:
1. song of Hiawatha (открыть ссылку).
2. Published Letters to the Press, from 2001 – 2003(открыть ссылку).
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