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3дpaвcтвyйтe,пoжaлyйcтa,пoмoгитe пoдoбpaть лит-py к кypcoвoй modals and semi-modals and their use in english нa aнгл.языкe. Спacибo
Ответ [2009-02-25 17:21:34] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем список литературы по Вашей теме (источники: ЭК РНБ, БД по языкознанию ИНИОН РАН):
1. De la Cruz J.M. The modals again in the light of historical and cross-linguistic evidence // English historical linguistics 1992. – Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 1994. – P. 145-156. – Bibliogr.: p. 155-156.
2. Gerhardt J. The meaning and use of the modals HAFTA, NEEDTA and WANNA in children's speech // J. of pragmatics. – 1991. – Vol. 16, N 6. – P. 531-590. – Bibliogr.: p. 587-590.
3. Goossens L. Differentiating the English modals in functional grammar // Antwerpen studies in functional grammar. – Antwerpen, 1985. – P. 49-71. – Bibliogr.: p.71.
4. Krug M.G. Emerging English modals : a corpus-based study of gramaticalization / M.G. Krug. – Berlin and New York, 2000. – 332 p.
5. Ljung M. The use of modals in British and American newspapers // Words: Proc. of an Intern. symp. – Stockholm, 1996. – P. 159-179. – Bibliogr.: p. 178-179.
6. Menaugh M. The English modals and established models of probability and possibility : a sign-based analysis // Studia linguistica. – 1995. – A. 49, N 2. – P. 196-227. – Bibliogr.: p. 226-227.
7. Myhill J. Change and continuity in the functions of the American English modals // Linguistics : an interdisciplinary j. of the lang. sciences. – 1995. – Vol. 33, N 2. – P. 157-211.
8. Nagle S.J. The English double modals: internal or external change? // Linguistic change under contact conditions. –New York, 1995. – P. 207-215.
9. Paolo M.di. Double modals as single lexical items // Amer. speech. – 1989. – Vol. 64, N 3. – P. 195-224. – Bibliogr.: p. 223-224.
10. Tanaka T. Mental representations in developing modals : a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural review // Cognition and culture : a cross-cultural approach to cognitive psychology. – Amsterdam, 1993. – P. 77-94. – Bibliogr.: p. 91-94.
11. Westney P. Modals and periphrastics in English : an investigation into the semantic correspondence between certain Engl. modal verbs a. their periphrastic equivalents / P. Westney. – 1995. – VIII, 225 p. – (Linguistische Arbeiten). – Bibliogr.: p. 220-225.
12. Wаlton A. Modality and the modals in traditional grammars of English // English traditional grammars. – Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 1991. – P. 349-368.
13. Yalcin S. Epistemic modals // Mind. – 2007. – Vol. 116, N 464. – P. 983-1026.
14. Zdrenghea M.M. The syntactic status of modal verbs and modal expressions in English : (II) modals and quasi-modals // Rev. roum. de linguistique. – 1986. – Vol. 31, N 2. – P. 113-124.
Перечень методических материалов для самостоятельного поиска см. в Архиве выполненных запросов № 271.
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