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Просмотр запроса №49593

Dear Sir, Madam,

As a researcher participating in a project consecrated to the 16th-century Lyon printer Claude Nourry, I am looking at the holdings of 16th-century Lyon impressions in the library. For several of them there is no information on the printer available, but I have been able to identify most of them. There is however an edition of the Opuscule ? tous les lecteurs ... intitul? l'entretenement de vie (Lyon, [1530] that I need your help with:

Here is the permalink to the entry in the catalogue: h t t ps://primo.nlr.ru/permalink/f/oo3rn7/07NLR_LMS009818301

Could you help me by telling me if there is a printer's name in this edition abnnd by indicating the number of pages and the collation?

If not, would it be possible to tell me if there are any ornemented initials and/or illustrations? It would also be very helpful if it would be possible to send me snapshots (smartphone quality is largely sufficient at this stage) of the title page, and the pages with initials or illustrations in order to help me identify this edition.

Thank you for your time.
Ответ [2023-09-11 15:53:52] :
Dear Helwi!
The edition what you are interested in: Goeurot J. Opuscule ? tous les lecteurs ... intitul? l'entretenement de vie. – Lyon, [1530]. – 8° см. There is no name of the printer on the title page.
Sheets (not pages) are numbered. The book has 64 sheets plus 10 pages of Indice ou Table at the end of the book. The book has the ornemented initials and the one illustation on the back of the title page. We will send you the snapshots of the title page and it's back to your email.
Best regards.
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