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Вопрос . Нужны англо-английские словари терминов сми,также словари терминов рекламы (маркетинга)
Ответ [2015-11-18 18:41:54] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем Вам следующую литературу (источники – БД OCLC WorldCat, Google Books):
1. Brown W.P. The complete dictionary of media terms / William P. Brown, Kathryn Sederberg. – Chicago, IL : Commerce Communications, 1986. – 151 p.
2. Chandler D. A Dictionary of media and communication / Daniel Chandler, Rod Munday. – Oxford : OUP Oxford, 2011. – 472 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: (открыть ссылку) (18.11.2015).
3. Danesi М. Dictionary of media and communications / Marcel Danesi. – New York : Routledge, 2014. – 400 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: (открыть ссылку) (18.11.2015).
4. Dictionary for School library media specialists: a practical and comprehensive guide / Mary Maude McCain, Martha Merrill. – Greenwood Willage, Co. : Libraries Unlimited, 2001. – 219 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: (открыть ссылку) (18.11.2015).
5. Dictionary of advertising and graphic arts terms. – [W.l.] : Ogilvy & Mather. – 67 p.
6. Dictionary of Technical Terms of Mass Media. – Dubai : Dar Al Shorok, 1989. – 670 p.
7. Grohmann H.V. Advertising terminology, a dictionary of advertising language: terms in common use throughout the advertising field, allied professions and industries / H. Victor Grohmann. – [W.l.] : Priv. print, 1952. – 86 p.
8. Imber J. Dictionary of advertising and direct mail terms / Jane Imber, Betsy-Ann Toffler. – New York : Barron's, 1987. – 514 p.
9. Mitchell W.J.T. Critical terms for media studies / W.J.T. Mitchell, Mark B.N. Hansen. – Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2010. – 376 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: (открыть ссылку) (18.11.2015).
10. Monaco J. The dictionary of new media: the new digital world: video, audio, print : film, television, dvd, home theatre, satellite, digital photography, wireless, super cd, internet / James Monaco. – New York : UNET 2 Corporation, 1999. – 287 p. ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: (открыть ссылку) (18.11.2015).
11. Penney E.F. A dictionary of media terms / Edmund F Penney. – New York : Putnam, 1984. – 158 p.
12. Rosenberg J.M. Dictionary of marketing and advertising / Jerry Martin Rosenberg. – J. Wiley, 1995. – 371 p.
13. Rosenberg J.M. The Dictionary of Essential Marketing and Advertising Terms / Jerry M. Rosenberg. – Chicago : Sourcebooks, Incorporated, 2009. – 752 p.
14. Urdang L. Dictionary of advertising terms / Laurence Urdang, Tatham-Laird & Kudner. – Chicago : Tatham-Laird & Kudner, 1977. – 209 p.
15. Wiechmann J.G. NTC's Dictionary of Advertising / Jack G. Wiechmann. – New York : McGraw-Hill Companies, 1993. – 222 p.
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