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Вопрос . 3дpaвcтвyйтe,я пишy диплoмнyю paбoтy нa тeмy «пyбличныe лeкции» нa aнгл.языкe. пoмoгитe, пoжaлyйcтa,пoдoбpaть литepaтypy и элeктpoнныe ccылки
Ответ [2009-09-25 08:41:01] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем список литературы, которая может помочь Вам в раскрытии темы (источники: ЭК РНБ, БД ИНИОН РАН, поисковая система Altavista).
1. Cienkus R.C. Distance learning : teaching by lecture / explanation / R.C. Cienkus, A.C. Ornstein // High school j. – Chapel Hill, 1997. – Vol. 80, N 4. – P. 247-253. – Bibliogr.: p. 252-253.
2. Corts D.P. Spontaneous production of figurative language and gesture in college lectures / D.P. Corts, H.R. Pollio // Metaphor a. symbol. – Mahwah (N.J.) ; L., 1999. – Vol. 14, N 2. – P. 81-100.
3. Devadoss S. Evaluation of factors influencing student class attendance and Performance / S. Devadoss, J. Foltz // Amer. j. of agr. economics. – Lexington, 1996. – Vol. 78, N 3. – P. 499-507. – Bibliogr.: p. 507.
4.Drabkina I.V. Public sreakers and their audiences across borders / I.V. Drabkina, K. McCaughey // Слово – высказывание – дискурс. – Самара, 2004. – P. 31-35.
5. Encoding and external-storage effects on writing processes / S.L. Benton, K.A. Kiewra, J.M. Whitfill, R. Dennison // J. of educational psychology. – Wash., 1993. – Vol. 85, N 2. – P. 267-280. – Bibliogr.: p. 279-280.
6. Esser J. Syntactic and prosodic closure in on-line speech production // Anglia. – Tubingen, 1998. – Bd. 116, H. 4. – P. 476-489.
7. Husbands Ch.T. Variations in students' evaluations of teachers' lecturing and small-group teaching : a study at the London school of economics and political science // Studies in higher education. – Oxford, 1996. – Vol. 21, N 2. – P. 187-206.
8. Isaacs G. Lecturing practices and note-taking purposes // Studies in higher education. – Oxford, 1994. – Vol. 19, N 2. – P. 203-216. – Bibliogr.: p. 216.
9. Kromrey J.D. A comparison of lecture, cooperative learning and programmed instruction at the college level / J.D. Kromrey, D.M. Purdom // Studies in higher education. – Oxford, 1995. – Vol. 20, N 3. – P. 341-349. – Bibliogr.: p. 348-349.
10. Meter P.van. College students' theory of note-taking derived from their perceptions of note-taking / P. van Meter, L. Yokoi, M. Pressley // J. of educational psychology. – Wash., 1994. – Vol. 86, N 3. – P. 323-338. – Bibliogr.: p. 334-336.
11. Munger P.D. High-tech training delivery methods : when to use them // Training a. development j. – Alexandria, 1997. – Vol. 51, N 1. – P. 46-47.
12. Public lectures [Electronic resource] // Newcastle University : [site]. – Newcastle, 2009. – URL: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/events/public-lectures/ (24.09.2009).
13. Public lecture [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : [site]. – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_lecture (24.09.2009).
14. Stewart L. Public lectures and private patronage in Newtonian England // Isis. – Philadelphia, 1986. – Vol. 77, N 286. – P. 47-58.
15. Stefani L.A.J. Peer, self and tutor assessment : relative reliabilities // Studies in higher education. – Oxford, 1994. – Vol. 19, N 1. – P. 69-75.
16. Verkuyten M. Attitudes in public discourse : speakers' own orientations // J. of lang. a. social psychology. – L., 1998. – Vol. 17, N 3. – P. 302-322.
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