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Вопрос . Здравствуйте! Если возможно, хотелось бы попросить вас подобрать англоязычную литературу
по теме адаптация иностранных студентов при обучении в вузах. Заранее спасибо!
Ответ [2019-05-17 21:58:01] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем следующую литературу для начала работы над темой (источники – БД eLibrary, ИПС Google Академия) :
1. Wong-Rieger D. Testing a model of emotional and coping responses to problems in adaptation: Foreign students at a Canadian university // International Journal of Intercultural Relations. – 1984. – Т. 8, N 2. – С. 153-184.
2. Ying Y.W. Initial adaptation of Taiwan foreign students to the United States: The impact of prearrival variables / Y.W. Ying, L.H. Liese // American Journal of Community Psychology. – 1990. – Т. 18, N 6. – С. 825-845.
3. Zhou Y. Theoretical models of culture shock and adaptation in international students in higher education / Y. et al. Zhou // Studies in higher education. – 2008. – Т. 33, N 1. – С. 63-75.
4. Westwood M.J. Academic achievement and social adaptation among international students: A comparison groups study of the peer-pairing program / M.J. Westwood, M. Barker // International Journal of Intercultural Relations. – 1990. – Т. 14, N 2. – С. 251-263.
5. Pruitt F.J. The adaptation of African students to American society // International Journal of Intercultural Relations. – 1978. – Т. 2, № 1. – С. 90-118.
6. Fletcher J.F. Language skills and adaptation: A study of foreign students in a Canadian university / J.F. Fletcher, R.E. Stren // Curriculum Inquiry. – 1989. – Т. 19, N 3. – С. 293-308.
7.Tomich P. International student adaptation: Critical variables / P. Tomich, J.J. McWhirter, W.E. King // International Education. – 2000. – Т. 29, N 2. – С. 37 ; Preview [Electronic resours]. – URL: https://search.proquest.com/openview/57aa432795aae61e2d4f76ae02015eef/1?cbl=1818844&pq-origsite=gscholar (17.05.2019).
8. Chirkov V. The role of self-determined motivation and goals for study abroad in the adaptation of international students / V. et al. Chirkov // International Journal of Intercultural Relations. – 2007. – Т. 31, N 2. – С. 199-222.
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