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Здравствуйте! Помогите со списком литературы для курсовой работы по теме "Зарубежное Хармсоведение". Нужны ссылки на иностранные публикации о творчестве Д.Хармса. Заранее спасибо.
Ответ [2016-12-27 13:08:16] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем Вам следующую литературу (источники – БД J-Store, E-library, Google Scholar):
1. Anemone A. The Anti-World of Daniil Kharms: On the Significance of the Absurd // Daniil Kharms and the Poetics of the Absurd. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991. – С. 71-93.
2. Carrick N. Daniil Kharms and the Art of Negation // The Slavonic and East European Review. – 1994. – Vol. 72, N 4. – P. 622-643 ; Доступ после регистрации (открыть ссылку)
3. Daniil Kharms and the poetics of the absurd: essays and materials / ed. Neil Cornwell. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 1991. – 282 p. ; Ibid. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://books.google.ru/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=EuGwCwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR8&dq=+Daniil+Harms&ots=4gy8-hJOE0&sig=bTesMeJ7xBvxtZZQLzMsYnc69UE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Daniil%20Harms&f=false (26.12.20016).
4. Cornwell N. The Rudiments of Daniil Kharms: In Further Pursuit of the Red-Haired Man // The Modern Language Review. – 1998. – Vol. 93, N 1. – P. 133-145 ; Доступ после регистрации (www.jstor.org/stable/3733629)
5. Gr?newald H. Generic Ambiguity in Daniil Kharms's" Elizaveta Bam" // New Zealand Slavonic Journal. – 2001. – Vol. 46. – P. 87-99 278 ; Доступ после регистрации (открыть ссылку)
6. Jaccard J.P. Daniil Kharms in the Context of Russian and European Literature of the Absurd // Daniil Kharms and the Poetics of the Absurd. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991. – С. 49-70.
7. Jaccard J-P. “De La R?alit? Au Texte. L'Absurde Chez Daniil Harms.” // Cahiers Du Monde Russe Et Sovi?tique. – 1985. – Vol. 26, N ?. – P. 269–312 ; Доступ после регистрации (www.jstor.org/stable/20170076)
8. Jaccard J-P. Daniil Harms et la fin de l'avant-garde russe / Jaccard, Jean-Philippe. – Bern ; Frankfurt/M. ; New York ; Paris, 1991. – 611 p.
9. Jakovljevic B. Daniil Kharms, the Hunger Artist: Toward Eden, and the Other Way Around // Theatre Journal. – 2005. – Т. 57, N 2. – С. 167-189 ; Abstract [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/183299/summary (26.12.20016).
10. Jakovljevic B. Daniil Kharms: Writing and the Event / Branislav Jakovljevic. – Northwestern University Press, 2009. – 298 p. ; Ibid. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://books.google.ru/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=H3mEvOTN91wC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=+Daniil+kHarms&ots=cH5TBpTRYX&sig=JAGHHwrH2Y1ZUBTwnjsnJMW3yww&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Daniil%20kHarms&f=false (26.12.20016).
11. Milner-Gulland R. “Kovarnye stikhi”: Notes on Daniil Kharms and Aleksandr Vvedensky // Essays in Poetics. – 1984. – Т. 9, N 1. – С. 16-37.
12. Pankenier S. “The Birth of Memory and the Memory of Birth: Daniil Kharms and Lev Tolstoi on Infantile Amnesia.” Slavic Review// 2009. – Vol. 68, N 4. – P. 804–824 ; Доступ после регистрации (www.jstor.org/stable/25593790)
13. Perlina N. Daniil Kharms’s Poetic System: Text, Context, Intertext // Daniil Kharms and the Poetics of the Absurd. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991. – С. 175-191.
14. Roberts G. A Matter of (Dis) course: Metafiction in the works of Daniil Kharms // New Directions in Soviet Literature. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992. – С. 138-163 ; Abstract [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-349-22331-2_9 (26.12.20016).
15. Shukman A. Toward a Poetics of the Absurd: The Prose Writings of Daniil Kharms // Discontinuous Discourses in Modern Russian Literature. – New York : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989. – С. 60-72.
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