Просмотр запроса №24501
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Не могли бы подсказать публикации на английском языке по изучению корпоративной печати за рубежом.
Не могли бы подсказать публикации на английском языке по изучению корпоративной печати за рубежом.
[2014-09-09 12:36:11] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем следуюущую литературу по Вашей теме (источники – БД Google Scolar, Emerald, Sage):
1. Ahern K.R. Who Writes the News? Corporate Press Releases during Merger Negotiations / Kenneth R. Ahern, Denis Sosyura // The Journal of Finance. – 2014. – Vol. 69, Iss. 1. – P. 241–291 ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jofi.12109/pdf (9.09.2014).
2. Alfonso G.-H. Trends in online media relations : web-based corporate press rooms in leading international companies / González-Herrero Alfonso, Ruiz de Valbuena Miguel // Public Relations Review. – 2006. – Vol. 32, Iss. 3. – P. 267–275.
3. Balmer J.M.T. Corporate marketing: Integrating corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation / John M.T. Balmer, Stephen A. Greyser // European Journal of Marketing. – 2006. – Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.730 – 741
4. Corrigan T.F. Campus Press, Inc.: A critical analysis of the corporatization of collegiate media / Thomas F Corrigan, Jennifer M Proffitt // Journalism. – 2011. – Vol. 12, 8. – P. 1018-1034 ; Доступ после регистрации (открыть ссылку)
5. McLaren Y. Characterising the Genre of the Corporate Press Release / Yvonne McLaren, Cǎlin Gurǎu // LSP and professional communication. – 2005. – Vol 5, No 1. – P. 10-30 ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://ej.lib.cbs.dk/index.php/LSP/article/view/2041/2041 (9.09.2014).
6. McLaren-Hankin Y. `We expect to report on significant progress in our product pipeline in the coming year': hedging forward-looking statements in corporate press releases // Discourse Studies. – 2008. – Vol. 10, 5. – P. 635-654 ; Доступ после регистрации (открыть ссылку)
7. Noack D. Corporate press release web sites // Editor & Publisher. – 1997. – Т. 130, N 20. – P. 34-35.
1. Ahern K.R. Who Writes the News? Corporate Press Releases during Merger Negotiations / Kenneth R. Ahern, Denis Sosyura // The Journal of Finance. – 2014. – Vol. 69, Iss. 1. – P. 241–291 ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jofi.12109/pdf (9.09.2014).
2. Alfonso G.-H. Trends in online media relations : web-based corporate press rooms in leading international companies / González-Herrero Alfonso, Ruiz de Valbuena Miguel // Public Relations Review. – 2006. – Vol. 32, Iss. 3. – P. 267–275.
3. Balmer J.M.T. Corporate marketing: Integrating corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation / John M.T. Balmer, Stephen A. Greyser // European Journal of Marketing. – 2006. – Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.730 – 741
4. Corrigan T.F. Campus Press, Inc.: A critical analysis of the corporatization of collegiate media / Thomas F Corrigan, Jennifer M Proffitt // Journalism. – 2011. – Vol. 12, 8. – P. 1018-1034 ; Доступ после регистрации (открыть ссылку)
5. McLaren Y. Characterising the Genre of the Corporate Press Release / Yvonne McLaren, Cǎlin Gurǎu // LSP and professional communication. – 2005. – Vol 5, No 1. – P. 10-30 ; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://ej.lib.cbs.dk/index.php/LSP/article/view/2041/2041 (9.09.2014).
6. McLaren-Hankin Y. `We expect to report on significant progress in our product pipeline in the coming year': hedging forward-looking statements in corporate press releases // Discourse Studies. – 2008. – Vol. 10, 5. – P. 635-654 ; Доступ после регистрации (открыть ссылку)
7. Noack D. Corporate press release web sites // Editor & Publisher. – 1997. – Т. 130, N 20. – P. 34-35.