Виртуальная справочная служба (Российская национальная библиотека)
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Просмотр запроса №23196

Вопрос . Hello,

I'm currently researching for a documentary on Autralian history and looking for a portrait of a Russian visitor to Sydney in 1822 - Shabel'skii Akhilles Pavlovich, (1802-1856) - later head of the Russian diplomatic mission in Philadelphia USA 1824-1826.

His account of his visit appears in a book - 'Voyage aux colonies russes de l'Amerique, fait a bord du sloop de guerre l'Apollon, pendant les annees 1821, 1822 et 1823.' Published in St. Petersbourg, 1826.

Is there possibly any material on him in your archives?

I'm sorry I have to write in English. Sadly I do not speak Russian!

Many thanks,
Ответ [2014-03-07 12:31:49] :
Hello! We are sorry, unfortunately We couldn`t find any information on Your topic. Perhaps it would be useful contact another department of our Library – Information and Service Center (открыть ссылку), they realize enhanced researches for a fee.
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