Виртуальная справочная служба (Российская национальная библиотека)
Организатор проекта - Российская национальная библиотека
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Просмотр запроса №22567

Вопрос . Dear Librarian,
I am looking for articles, essays, revirews, etc (in Russian) of Faina Slonimskaya (Фаина Слонимская) or any references to her publications.She lived in the US (mainly in New York) from 1937 to 1944
Your help in this regards would br greatly apprweciated.
Ответ [2014-01-09 22:51:16] :
Dear sir! We are sorry, unfortunately We couldn`t find any information on Your topic. Perhaps it would be useful contact another department of our Library – Information and Service Center (открыть ссылку), they realize enhanced researches for a fee.
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