Виртуальная справочная служба (Российская национальная библиотека)
Организатор проекта - Российская национальная библиотека
сегодня задано 2 из 17 возможных || в базе запросов: 52668

Просмотр запроса №22528

Вопрос . Dear sir,
I am Aya Hassan from Egypt, I am a master degree student in Alexandria University, my master subject is about signage , Library graphics and way finding in Library, so I need to make a comparison between the library of Alexandria university in Egypt and your library, the points of comparison is as the following:
- the shape of signs
- the color of signs
- the font.
- the type of signs.
- tools used in writing on the banner.
- the standards of this signs and the places to put in the libarary.
- the function of signs and its size.

please I need references about this subjects , photos , forms of this signs

Ответ [2013-12-25 13:15:21] :
Dear colleague! There are no special graphic symbols used in National Library of Russia. For finding books we use the simplest signage – inventory number (this is our common term) and а special code assigned to every book. The code consists of letters and numbers. Every book belongs to its own book storage and this information is referred by the Title letter in the code. We do not use color of signs, the font is always the same.
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Рубрики каталога: Изобразительное искусство -- Графика -- ;
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