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Архив виртуальной справочной службы Российской национальной библиотеки "Спроси библиографа"

Просмотр запроса №35502

Гипоксия. Классификация. Механизмы адаптации различных систем органов к гипоксии. (Иностранная литература последних лет)
Ответ [2019-01-09 21:59:58] :
Здравствуйте. Предлагаем Вам список иностранных публикаций для начала работы над темой (источники : ЭК НТЛ ВИНИТИ ; БД "Medline"):
1. Brain adaptation to hypoxia and hyperoxia in mice / L. Terraneo [et al.] // Redox Biol. – 2017. – N 11. – P. 12-20.
2. Bussotti M. High Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension / M. Bussotti, G. Marchese // Cardiovasc. Hematol. Disord. Drug Targets. – 2018. – Vol. 18, N 3. – P. 187-198. (Far from describing all the physiological and pathological responses of the organism, in this review, the authors expose the state of the art in the knowledge of the responsiveness of the pulmonary circle to the acute or chronic hypoxic condition, its possible progression to the pulmonary arterial hypertension, the latter being more appropriately named High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension).
3. Early adaption to the antarctic environment at dome C: consequences on stress-sensitive innate immune functions / M. Feuerecker [et al.] // High Alt Med Biol. – 2014. – Vol. 15, N 3. – P. 341-348. (The present study at CONCORDIA-Station (Dome C, 3233?m) seeks to investigate the early consequences of confinement and hypobaric hypoxia on the human organism).
4. Hypoxia inducible factors modulate mitochondrial oxygen consumption and transcriptional regulation of nuclear-encoded electron transport chain genes / H. J. Hwang [et al.] // Biochemistry. – 2015. – Vol. 54, N 24. – P. 3739-3748.
5. Organism reaction to dosed hypoxic hypoxia in the healthy subjects and individuals with prediabetic hydrogen metabolism disturbances / O. V. Korkushko [et al.] // Fiziol. Zh. – 2016. – Vol. 62, N 1. – P. 34-42.
6. Reduced cancer mortality at high altitude: the role of glucose, lipids, iron and physical activity / M. Thiersch [et al.] // Exp. Cell Res. – 2017. – Vol. 356, N 2. – P. 209-216.
7. Regulation, signalling and functions of hormonal peptides in pulmonary vascular remodelling during hypoxia / P. Gaur [et al.] // Endocrine. – 2018. Vol. 59, N 3. – 466-480.
8. Rybnikova E. Current insights into the molecular mechanisms of hypoxic pre- and postconditioning using hypobaric hypoxia / E. Rybnikova, M. Samoilov // Front. Neurosci. – 2015. – Vol. 23, N 9. – P. 388.
9. Surviving Without Oxygen: How Low Can the Human Brain Go? / D. M. Bailey [et al.] // High Alt Med Biol. – 2017. – Vol. 18, N 1. – P. 73-79.
10. Zhou D. Genetic analysis of hypoxia tolerance and susceptibility in Drosophila and humans / D. Zhou, G. G. Haddad // Ann. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. – 2013. – N 14. – P. 25-43.
Рубрики каталога: Медицина -- Общая терапия -- ;